Monday, October 8, 2007

Dodge and Cox Fund family - 4 funds, all 5 stars

Dodge and Cox is one of the few fund houses that believes in running only a small number of funds (in this case a grand total of 4), but making sure that each one is a long term winner.

Currently the 4 funds are "group managed" and EACH one has a 5 start Morningstar rating. Check out these funds at Morningstar - stellar record - lower than average expenses and very reliable management.

The tickers are:

DODGX - Dodge and Cox Stock fund
DODBX - Dodge and Cox Balanced Fund
DODIX - Dodge and Cox Income fund
DODFX - Dodge and Cox Foreign Fund

2 of these funds (DODGX and DODBX) are already closed to new investors due to asset bloat (but still available thru 401K plans that offer them).

I have been personally invested in DODFX for the last 4 years or so. Great long term record, but it has trailed the foreign indices by a small bit this year (maybe due of asset bloat or because it has a value twist) - no complaints tho - I'm sure it'll return to its good old ways of consistently beating the indices soon.

If you're on the lookout for a diversified International Stock fund, hurry before they close DODFX too!

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