Monday, October 15, 2007

Have you gotten your XRAY done yet?

Nope - not talking about the much dreaded doctor's visit that you've been dodging :-)

Morningstar has a great tool (free and you don't even need to register) that gives you a complete breakdown of your portfolio - just feed in the ticker symbols and dollar amounts.

It tells you (among other things)

1) Your overall stock, bond, cash allocation
2) Which countries your stocks are invested in
3) Break up of which sectors your stock allocation is invested in
4) Interest Rate sensitivity of your bond holdings
5) Whether you are large cap, mid cap or small cap weighted
6) Whether your portfolio leans towards value or growth

Pretty cool. Check it out here

I always use the XRay when I need to re-balance my portfolio (to get before and after snapshots) and can say that I've prevented a few broken bones in the process :-)

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